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Retrieve Client Credentials

Unstoppable Login is a versatile feature with several integration pathways available for developers. This guide will step you through your first login integration with one of several supported libraries.


Unstoppable Login can be integrated with any EVM-compatible DApp (as well as Solana DApps). However, domains minted on testnets (e.g. Amoy or Sepolia) are not supported.

Step 1: Get Your Client Credentials

  • Go to the Client Management Dashboard .
  • Click the Connect Wallet and sign the transaction.
  • Click the Create Client button to add a new client.

The dashboard will generate a unique client ID and open the configuration page for your new client. The Client Metadata is automatically populated with the clientID and default values for the redirectURI and scope. See Login Client Configuration for more details about the settings on this page.

Connect a wallet and create a new client

Once you've created your client, you will need the Client Metadata to configure your UAuth application. This can be copied directly from the Login page of your Client Configuration.

    clientID: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    redirectUri: "http://localhost",
    scope: "openid wallet",
Example client metadata

The scope property of your client metadata will default to "openid wallet", which is the minimum scope required for login. You can request additional information from users by adding additional scopes to this string. For information on the other scopes Login supports, see Scopes for Login.

Step 2: Choose Your Integration Path

There are several ways to integrate with Unstoppable Login, which are listed in the table below.

Because pop-ups are a more integration friendly approach, every integration path except for Login without Pop-up and Node.js Server uses them by default. You can use redirects instead with the login() method of @uauth/js or the shouldLoginWithRedirect configuration option for other @uauth/* libraries.

For DApps built with web3 libraries like web3-react, web3-modal, web3-onboard, and moralis, UAuth provides packages that help you wrap a new UAuth instance in an interface that each library supports. After configuring these packages, you can continue using the web3 library normally.

Integration Guide Example Project Web3 Provider Package Front-end UI
Login with Pop-up spa @uauth/js JavaScript
Login without Pop-up - @uauth/js React
Web3 React web3-react @uauth/web3-react web3-react
Web3 Modal web3modal @uauth/web3modal web3-modal
Web3 Onboard - @web3-onboard/uauth web3-onboard
Moralis moralis @uauth/moralis moralis
Node.js Server server @uauth/node None
Auth0 UAuth + Auth0 auth0 auth0
WAGMI WAGMI @uauth/wagmi wagmi

See the UAuth Example App for a live demo of the login flow.