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Content Generation ✍️

For non-technical community members, we've created Quests for Content Generation! There are two types of content gen Quests: (1) tutorials, and (2) impression mining.

Ask on our Twitter on Twitter, if you're interested.

Instructions for Tutorials

We're offering $100 in domain credits for any tutorial for Unstoppable Domains.

  • How to connect a d-website to an Unstoppable domain
  • How to set up a d-blog with your domain
  • How to set up an NFT gallery with your domain
  • If you have another example, we'd love to include it!

If submitted, we'll be uploading the content to our YouTube channel (12K+ subscribers) — crediting you for the work!

Instructions for Impression Mining

Impression mining allows anyone to become a micro-influencer for Unstoppable Domains! We're offering $1 in domain credits per 10 impressions on Twitter.

Participants will simply snap a screenshot of their impression counts and submit to the intake form for a monthly payment in domain credits. Judging submissions is at the sole discretion of Unstoppable Domains. The reviewers reserve the right to cap a payment or deem an account ineligible for current or future rewards.

Screenshot of impression counts

Screenshot of impression counts

Example ddwchen.crypto brings receipts from 11 tweets about Unstoppable Domain or its products from July 2021 totaling 240k impressions; she is rewarded with $2.4k worth of domain credits.


The program will not tolerate/reward:

  • Spamming followers
  • Paid impressions
  • General trickery
  • Inauthentic content
  • Misleading content
  • Saturation of themes

Other Considerations

  • Unless you have built up an audience beforehand, consistent success with this program will not generally come swiftly
  • In general, content should aim to be:
    • Shareable
    • Aesthetically pleasing
    • Distribution-minded
    • Uniquely Insightful (Use-Case, how-to, history, stat/metric, story, testimonial, infographic, video)
    • NOT about speculation, price, nor the selling of domains