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Integration Quests 🔌

Domains need integrations in order to actually be used by customers. At Unstoppable, we work alongside companies and apps in order to offer domain resolution natively in the app. However, we can't get to them all — so we're asking for the community's help in integrating Unstoppable Domains into other applications

Integration quests will cover open-source crypto wallets (for payments), browsers (for website resolution), and other apps.


  1. Initiate a pull request from the open-source app's GitHub repo to modify the source code (links provided in the table below).
  2. Modify the source code to integrate with the Unstoppable resolution libraries:
  3. Documentation for resolution libraries is available here
  4. Inform us before you make the commit. We will setup a code review and confirm that everything is working correctly. After the code review, you can proceed with the commit to the repo.
  5. The quest is completed when the PR is merged into the git repository!
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Scroll right for more details.

Name Category Quest Reward Dev/Team Description Website Platform Github link Link to main repo (Web) Android Repo IOS Repo Languages
Daedalus Wallet Crypto Wallet $500 USD + $2000 domain credit Nabil Add domain resolution support for Cardano's Daedalus wallet. https://daedaluswallet.io/ https://github.com/input-output-hk/daedalus
Yoroi Crypto Wallet $500 USD + $2000 domain credit mikeymop Add domain resolution support for Cardano's Yoroi wallet.
DASH Crypto Wallet $500 USD + $2000 domain credit Wiz Lee Add domain resolution support for Cardano's Yoroi wallet. https://mydashwallet.org/ Web https://github.com/DeltaEngine https://github.com/DeltaEngine/MyDashWallet #N/A
ShapeShift Crypto Wallet $500 USD + $2000 domain credit Unclaimed https://hdwallet-shapeshift.vercel.app/ https://github.com/shapeshift/HDWallet
Polkadot js Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Polkadot version of Metamask https://polkadot.js.org/ https://github.com/polkadot-js/polkadot-js.github.io
Kalium Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support for Banano's Kalium wallet.
Harmony One Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support.
Firefox - Web Browser $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support.
Firefox - iOS Browser $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support.
Firefox - Mobile Browser $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support.
Waterfox Browser $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support.
WallETH Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://walleth.org/ Android https://github.com/walleth https://github.com/walleth/walleth https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.walleth Kotlin; CSS
Electron Cash Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://www.electroncash.org/ Web; iOS; Android https://github.com/Electron-Cash/Electron-Cash https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.electroncash.wallet Python; C; C; Java; HTML
Monerujo Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Paxriel Add domain resolution support. https://www.monerujo.io/ Android https://github.com/m2049r/xmrwallet/tree/master/doc https://github.com/m2049r/xmrwallet Java
Blue Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://bluewallet.io/ iOS; Android https://github.com/BlueWallet https://github.com/BlueWallet/BlueWallet https://github.com/BlueWallet/BlueWallet
Bither Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://bither.net/ Web; iOS; Android https://github.com/bither https://github.com/bither/bither-android https://github.com/bither/bither-ios JavaScript; Objective-c
Carbon Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://carbonwallet.com/ Web https://github.com/carbonwallet https://github.com/carbonwallet/carbonwallet.github.io JavaScript
Mycelium Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://wallet.mycelium.com/ iOS; Android; Desktop https://github.com/mycelium-com https://github.com/mycelium-com/wallet-android https://github.com/mycelium-com/wallet-ios
Lisk Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://lisk.io/ iOS; Android; Desktop https://github.com/LiskHQ https://github.com/LiskHQ/lisk-core C++
Komodo (Agama) Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://komodoplatform.com/komodo-wallet Desktop https://github.com/KomodoPlatform https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/sec-wallet JavaScript
Selfkey Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://selfkey.org/selfkey-wallet/ Web; iOS; Android; Desktop https://github.com/SelfKeyFoundation https://github.com/SelfKeyFoundation/Identity-Wallet JavaScript
Samourai Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://samouraiwallet.com/ Android; Desktop https://github.com/Samourai-Wallet https://github.com/Samourai-Wallet/samourai-wallet-android Java
Natrium - NANO Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support for Nano's Natrium wallet. https://natrium.io/ iOS; Android https://github.com/appditto https://github.com/appditto/natrium_wallet_flutter
Digibyte Core Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://digibyte.org/ iOS; Android https://github.com/digibyte/digibyte https://github.com/DigiByte-Core/digibytewallet-core https://github.com/DigiByte-Core/digibytewallet-android https://github.com/DigiByte-Core/digibytewallet-ios
Trinity Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://trinity.iota.org/ Web; iOS; Android; Desktop https://github.com/iotaledger/trinity-wallet https://github.com/iotaledger/trinity-wallet #N/A
Mixin Ltd Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://mixin.one iOS; Android https://github.com/MixinNetwork https://github.com/MixinNetwork/desktop-app https://github.com/MixinNetwork/android-app https://github.com/MixinNetwork/ios-app
Gem Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://gem.co/ Web; iOS; Android https://github.com/GemHQ https://github.com/GemHQ/MyEtherWallet
D'Cent Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://dcentwallet.com/ iOS; Android; Hardware https://github.com/DcentWallet https://github.com/DcentWallet/MyEtherWallet
Cosmostation Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://www.cosmostation.io/ iOS; Android https://github.com/cosmostation https://github.com/cosmostation/cosmosjs https://github.com/cosmostation/cosmostation-mobile Java, Swift
Beam Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://beam.mw/ Web; iOS; Android https://github.com/BeamMW/beam https://github.com/BeamMW/web-wallet https://github.com/BeamMW/android-wallet https://github.com/BeamMW/ios-wallet C; Kotlin; C; TypeScript
Acinq Eclair Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://acinq.co/ iOS; Android https://github.com/ACINQ https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair-mobile Scala; C
QLC Chain (Q-Wallet) Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://www.qlcchain.org/ Web; Android; Desktop https://github.com/qlcchain/ https://github.com/qlcchain/QWallet-Android https://github.com/qlcchain/QWallet-iOS Java
Incognito Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://incognito.org/ Web; iOS; Android; Desktop https://github.com/incognitochain https://github.com/incognitochain/incognito-wallet JavaScript
Coffee Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://wallet.coffee/ iOS; Android https://github.com/fsw/coffee.wallet/wiki/Coffee-Wallet-on-Desktop https://github.com/fsw/coffee.wallet JavaScript
AirGap Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://airgap.it/ Web; iOS; Android https://github.com/airgap-it https://github.com/airgap-it/airgap-wallet https://github.com/airgap-it/airgap-wallet JavaScript; TypeScript; Shell; Python; HTML
Verge Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://vergecurrency.com/wallets/ Web; iOS; Android; Desktop https://vergecurrency.com/developers/vergecurrency-repositories/ https://github.com/vergecurrency/VERGE #N/A
Zecwallet FullNode Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://www.zecwallet.co/fullnode.html Web; Android https://github.com/ZcashFoundation https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zecwallet/ #N/A
Elastos Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://www.elastos.org/ iOS; Android https://github.com/elastos https://github.com/elastos/Elastos/ https://github.com/elastos/Elastos.App.UnionSquare.Android https://github.com/elastos/Elastos.App.UnionSquare.iOS Java; JavaScript; Go; TypeScript; C
ArcBlock Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://www.arcblock.io/en/ iOS; Android https://github.com/arcblock https://github.com/ArcBlock/forge-js https://github.com/ArcBlock/arcblock-android-sdk https://github.com/ArcBlock/arcblock-ios-sdk Elixir; JavaScript; Shell; HTML; Swift
Nimiq Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://www.nimiq.com/ Web https://github.com/nimiq https://github.com/nimiq/wallet Vue
Portis Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://www.portis.io/ Web
SERO Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. http://sero.vip/ Web; iOS; Android https://github.com/sero-cash/cminer https://github.com/sero-cash/wallet Go; JavaScript
Qtum Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://qtumwallet.org/ Web https://github.com/qtumproject/qtum https://github.com/qtumproject/qtum C++
Omni Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://www.omniwallet.org/ Web https://github.com/OmniLayer https://github.com/OmniLayer/omniwallet
Greymass Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://greymass.com/ Desktop https://github.com/greymass/eos-voter https://github.com/greymass/anchor TypeScript; JavaScript; C; Swift; Go
EosRio (SimplEOS) Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://web.eosrio.io/simpleos/ Desktop https://github.com/eosrio https://github.com/eosrio/simpleos JS, Vue
Divi Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://diviproject.org/ Web; Desktop https://github.com/DiviProject https://github.com/DiviProject/Divi TypeScript; JavaScript HTML
Consentium Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://consentium.net/ iOS https://github.com/ConsentiumSN https://github.com/ConsentiumSN/ConsentiumSN #N/A
Keevo Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://keevowallet.com/ Hardware https://github.com/coinus https://github.com/coinus/Wallet https://github.com/coinus/Wallet Swift
Neon Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://neonwallet.com/ Desktop https://github.com/CityOfZion/neon-wallet https://github.com/CityOfZion/neon-wallet
Bitcoin Unlimited Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://www.bitcoinunlimited.info/ Desktop https://github.com/BitcoinUnlimited https://github.com/BitcoinUnlimited/BitcoinUnlimited #N/A
TezBox Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://tezbox.com/ iOS, Desktop, Android, Web https://github.com/tezbox https://github.com/tezbox/web-wallet; https://github.com/tezbox/desktop-wallet
Skycoin Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://www.skycoin.com/ Web; iOS; Android https://github.com/skycoinproject https://github.com/SkycoinProject/skycoin Go; C; TypeScript; Python; Batchfile
Plasma Pay Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://plasmapay.com Web; iOS https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-app-js/releases https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-web-js https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-android-js https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-app-ios C; Swift
IFWallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://www.ifwallet.com/ iOS; Android https://github.com/ifwallet https://github.com/IFWallet/wallet-core #N/A
EUNO Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://euno.co/ Web; Android https://github.com/Euno https://github.com/Euno/EunoPaperWallet/archive/v1.0.1.zip C; Vue
GoByte Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://gobyte.network/ Web; iOS https://github.com/gobytecoin https://github.com/gobytecoin/gobyte JavaScript; PHP; Shell; C; C
Dexlab.io Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://www.dexlab.io/ iOS https://github.com/dexlab-io https://github.com/dexlab-io/DexWallet-website JavaScript; TypeScript; Shell; HTML; Python
Cash Address Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://cashaddress.org/ Paper wallet https://github.com/theantnest/bccaddress https://github.com/theantnest/bccaddress HTML, JavaScript
Keycard Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://keycard.status.im/ Hardware wallet https://github.com/status-im https://github.com/status-im/status-keycard JavaScript; Nim; Go; Python; Java
Squarelink Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://squarelink.com/ Web https://github.com/Squarelink-Inc https://github.com/Squarelink-Inc/Squarelink-Web3 Javascript; TypeScript; Web3
ZHIP Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://zhip.app/ iOS https://github.com/OpenZesame https://github.com/OpenZesame/Zhip https://github.com/OpenZesame/Zhip Swift
ElectrumSV Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support to LTC wallet. https://electrumsv.io/ Desktop https://github.com/electrumsv https://github.com/electrumsv/electrumsv-sdk #N/A
Keplr Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support.
Cosmos version of Metamask.
https://wallet.keplr.app/#/dashboard Web https://github.com/chainapsis/keplr-extension https://github.com/chainapsis/keplr-extension TypeScript
Nxt Wallet Crypto Wallet $1000 domain credit Unclaimed Add domain resolution support. https://www.jelurida.com/nxt/downloads Desktop https://bitbucket.org/Jelurida/nxt/src/master/ https://bitbucket.org/Jelurida/nxt/src/master/
Blank Crypto Wallet https://blockwallet.io/ Desktop https://github.com/Blank-Wallet

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