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Upload Your Website to IPFS Guide

There are several different options for uploading your website to IPFS. The preferred option is to simply use the Unstoppable Domains IPFS Uploader located within your My Domains account. A second option is to use an external IPFS service, which will require you to upload, retrieve the IPFS hash, and paste it into your UD account.


You only need to select one upload option for your website. Select the option that is easiest or most convenient for your local testing environment.

Option 1: Upload Your Website With Our IPFS Uploader

You can upload and attach your d-website to your domain in a single step from the Unstoppable Domains web interface.

  • Go to My Domains
  • Select Manage next to the domain you want to use
  • Select the Website tab

How to locate the 'Website' tab under My Domains --> Manage

How to locate the 'Website' tab under My Domains --> Manage
  • Upload your files to the IPFS Uploader and Save Changes

Upload files using the IPFS Uploader, limited to 20MB per domain

Upload files using the IPFS Uploader, limited to 20MB per domain

For websites that exceed the 20MB file limit, we recommend using a dedicated pinning service, such as Pinata or Fleek.


Congratulations! You just connected your d-website to your Unstoppable Domain.

Option 2: Manually Upload Your Website to IPFS

If you decide not to use the UD IPFS Uploader, you will need to upload the site yourself and retrieve the resulting IPFS hash. There are many options for doing this.

IPFS Deploy

IPFS Deploy is a zero-config CLI designed specifically for deploying a static website to IPFS. Pinning service configuration options include Infura, DAppNode, IPFS Cluster, and Pinata.

For more information on this tool for deploying d-websites, please review the IPFS Deploy README file.

IPFS Upload via GitHub Action

There is a GitHub Action which allows you to upload a D-website directly to IPFS.

Input parameters:

Parameter Required Service Description
path Yes Directory’s path to upload.
service No Type of target service to upload. Supported services [ipfs, pinata, infura]. Default ipfs
timeout No Request timeout. Default 60000 (1 minute)
verbose No Level of verbosity [false - quiet, true - verbose]. Default false
host No ipfs IPFS host. Default ipfs.komputing.org
port No ipfs IPFS host’s port. Default 443
protocol No ipfs IPFS host’s protocol. Default https
pinataKey Yes* pinata Pinata Api Key. Required for pinata service.
pinataSecret Yes* pinata Pinata Secret Api Key. Required for pinata service.
pinataPinName No pinata Human name for pin.

In order to use it, you need to add one step to main.yml:

- uses: aquiladev/ipfs-action@v0.1.1
  id: upload
    path: ./build

There will be a build artifact on a runner after steps (usually in directory build or dist). You need to pass the directory as a path parameter.

This step will have hash output — it will be needed later to add the IPFS hash to your domain. Token {steps.upload.outputs.hash} can be used in next steps where upload is the id of current step.

IPFS Upload to Pinata via GitHub Action

The same GitHub Action allows you to upload a D-website to Pinata pinning service. Pinata simplifies immutable data with an IPFS API and toolkit.

In order to use it, you need to add one step to main.yml:

- uses: aquiladev/ipfs-action@v0.1.3
  id: pinata
    path: ./build
    service: pinata
    pinataKey: {PINATA_KEY}
    pinataSecret: {PINATA_SECRET}
    pinataPinName: {PIN_NAME}

As in the previous example, you will need to save the hash output to add the IPFS hash to your domain.

IPFS Upload to Pinata.cloud Website

You can also upload your static site to IPFS using the Pinata website.

  • Go to Pinata.cloud and sign-up / sign-in.
  • Ensure the Pin Manager tab is selected and click Upload .

Locate the Pin Manager tab for uploading files to Pinata.cloud

Locate the Pin Manager tab for uploading files to Pinata.cloud
  • Then, click Folder and select the folder containing the website files you wish to upload.
  • When the upload is complete, the IPFS CID (or IPFS hash ) will appear under the Pin Manager tab.

Locate the IPFS Hash for your d-website in Pinata.cloud

Locate the IPFS Hash for your d-website in Pinata.cloud

You just uploaded your website to IPFS. If you selected Option 2 above, then please proceed to the next guide: Connect Your IPFS Site To Your Domain.