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Error Codes for Troubleshooting

Partner API v2 Deprecation

Partner API v2 was deprecated on Feb 12, 2024. Please check the v3 specification for integration guides.

Partner API errors are in JSON format.

  code: string,         // string error code
  message: string,      // error message
  field: string | null, // request field that caused the error
  value: string | null, // request value that caused the error
  status: number        // error status

400 Error: Bad Request

Error Message Description
DOMAIN_NAME_INVALID The provided domain name is invalid
DOMAIN_NAME_NOT_PROVIDED The request does not contain any domain name to search
INVALID_DOMAIN_SUFFIX The provided domain endings in TLD filter are invalid
NOT_SUPPORTED The partner does not provide free domains (for free domain suggestions)
DOMAIN_LOCK_NOT_AVAILABLE The requested domain cannot be reserved. The domain is not available for free or has been minted
DOMAIN_NAME_NOT_PROVIDED The request does not contain any domain name to search
INVALID_ORDER_SCHEMA The order information is not properly formatted or is missing critical information such as payment type
UNALLOWED_PAYMENT_METHOD The payment method is not supported by Unstoppable Domains. Must use Stripe or minted freely
UNSUPPORTED_PAYMENT_METHOD The requested payment method is currently not supported
INVALID_OWNER_ADDRESS The owner address is not valid
INVALID_EMAIL The email address is not valid
DOMAIN_NOT_AVAILABLE The domain name is unavailable for purchase
USER_NOT_ELIGIBLE The provided user is not eligible for a free domain
WALLET_NOT_ELIGIBLE The provided wallet address is not eligible for a free domain
FREE_DOMAIN_POLICY_VIOLATION The provided user has already claimed a free domain before
INVALID_FINGERPRINTJS_VISIT The provided Fingerprint Visitor ID is invalid or is older than 30 seconds
MISSING_FINGERPRINTJS_VISITOR_ID The request does not contain a Fingerprint Visitor ID
SECURITY_PARAMS_NOT_PROVIDED The request does not contain any security parameters
UNSUPPORTED_SECURITY_TYPE The requested security type is currently not supported
QUERY_ARGUMENT_REQUIRED The request does not contain critical query parameters
BRIDGE_DISABLED The Polygon bridge feature flag is not enabled in your environment
REQUEST_INVALID The request body is not properly formatted or is missing critical information

401 Error: Unauthorized

Error Message Description
PARTNER_NOT_FOUND The requested Partner is not found

404 Error: Not Found

Error Message Description
ORDER_NOT_FOUND The requested order is not found
DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND The requested domain name is not registered
ACTION_NOT_FOUND The requested domain action is not found