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Add Polygon Network to MetaMask Wallet Guide

This guide covers configuring the MetaMask wallet to support both Polygon mainnet and testnet (Amoy) networks. This process requires the use of the MetaMask browser extension.

Step 1: Open MetaMask Network Settings

Navigate to the Settings tab in MetaMask:

metamask settings page

metamask settings page

Next, navigate to the Networks tab on the Settings page:

metamask network settings

metamask network settings

Step 2: Add the Polygon Network Details

Click the Add a network button on the network settings page:

add network button

add network button

Then, fill the network configuration for the Polygon network you want to add (mainnet or testnet) into the fields displayed in MetaMask.

Field Name Polygon Mainnet Polygon Testnet (Amoy)
Network Name Polygon Amoy
New RPC URL https://polygon-rpc.com/ https://rpc-amoy.polygon.technology
Chain ID 137 80002
Currency Symbol MATIC MATIC
Block Explorer URL https://polygonscan.com/ https://www.oklink.com/amoy

network config fields

network config fields

Step 3: Save the Settings

Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen to add the Polygon network to MetaMask:

successful metamask network adding

successful metamask network adding

You have successfully configured your MetaMask wallet to support the Polygon network. Happy hacking!