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Get Polygon Test Tokens Guide

This guide covers getting test tokens for your wallet on the Polygon network. This process requires the use of the Polygon Faucet.

Step 1: Visit the Polygon Faucet

Head over to the Polygon Faucet. It is a website that gives out tiny amounts of MATIC cryptocurrency for you to test transactions.

Step 2: Select Amoy Test Network

Select Amoy as the Polygon test network:

faucet network selection

faucet network selection

Step 3: Submit Your Wallet Address

Enter your Polygon wallet address from MetaMask or any wallet client you use into the Wallet Address field of the faucet page and press the Submit button:

faucet address submission

faucet address submission

Step 4: Initiate the Transaction

Verify the details of the faucet transaction (token, network, address) and click on the Confirm button:

faucet transaction confirmation

faucet transaction confirmation

successful faucet request submission

successful faucet request submission

You have successfully gotten test tokens for your wallet on the Polygon network. Happy hacking!