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Check Domains Availability

Partner API v2 Deprecation

Partner API v2 was deprecated on Feb 12, 2024. Please check the v3 specification for integration guides.

The Partner API v2 (Legacy) offers an endpoint that lets you check the availability of multiple domain names before purchase to avoid making minting calls to non-available domains. Partners can use this endpoint to implement a bulk domain name search field in their application, allowing users to search for multiple domains simultaneously.

Multiple domain search field example

Multiple domain search field example

Step 1: Retrieve Your Reseller ID and Secret API Token

To access your ResellerID and Secret API Token, you must navigate to your Sandbox or Production Partner dashboard. The ResellerID is used to identify the requests as coming from a Partner, while the Secret API Token is used for authentication to ensure that only authorized Partners can access the API.

Step 2: Prepare Query Parameters

The Multiple Domain Name Availability endpoint requires a search field which contains the domain name(s) to check with or without TLD. If you omit the domain name TLD, the endpoint will return the domain name with all the supported domain endings.

Name Type Mandatory Description
search ARRAY[STRING] YES Domain name(s) to check their availability. You can omit the TLD.

If your request must include multiple search fields, you need to use a new search query param instance for each domain name.

Step 3: Prepare Authorization Headers

The Partner API uses bearer tokens to authorize requests with the Secret API Token from your Partner credentials.

Field Name Value
Security Scheme Type HTTP
HTTP Authorization Scheme bearer
Bearer Format a token provided by Unstoppable Domains

Step 4: Use the Multiple Domain Name Availability Endpoint

Send a GET request with the authorization headers you have prepared and the domain name you want to check to the Multiple Domain Name Availability endpoint. Here is the URL for our API environments:

Sandbox Environment:


Production Environment:


The PARTNER_RESELLERID path parameter is the same one you retrieved from your partner account earlier.


Here is an example request to check the availability of the buyadomain.dao and buyanotherdomain.crypto domains before purchase:

curl --location --request GET 'https://api.ud-sandbox.com/api/v2/resellers/{PARTNER_RESELLERID}/domains?search=buyadomain.dao&search=buyanotherdomain.crypto' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {SECRET_API_TOKEN}'
  "domains": [
      "domain": {
        "id": 12390,
        "name": "buyadomain.dao",
        "ownerAddress": null,
        "resolver": null,
        "resolution": {},
        "blockchain": "MATIC",
        "projectedBlockchain": "MATIC",
        "registryAddress": "0x2a93c52e7b6e7054870758e15a1446e769edfb93",
        "networkId": 80001,
        "freeToClaim": true,
        "node": "0xbaee34a867ed94387a307bf426ae01af9f4254f8c1dc2c633c577278df0d6454"
      "availability": {
        "registered": false,
        "protected": false,
        "price": 20,
        "availableForFree": false,
        "test": false
      "domain": {
        "id": 12537,
        "name": "buyanotherdomain.crypto",
        "ownerAddress": null,
        "resolver": null,
        "resolution": {},
        "blockchain": "MATIC",
        "projectedBlockchain": "MATIC",
        "registryAddress": "0x2a93c52e7b6e7054870758e15a1446e769edfb93",
        "networkId": 80001,
        "freeToClaim": true,
        "node": "0xf98d0b7603d2813f7d21ad7537c0670c9037a556e715e9fb572c7a87e5e854b4"
      "availability": {
        "registered": false,
        "protected": false,
        "price": 40,
        "availableForFree": false,
        "test": false

You have successfully checked the availability of multiple domain names with the Partner API.